The Best Anycubic 3D Printers of the Year: User Ratings and Reviews


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of 3D printing, Anycubic has carved out a reputation for itself as a beacon of innovation, reliability, and high performance. Whether you’re stepping into the fascinating realm of 3D printing for the first time or you’re a seasoned professional looking to elevate your printing projects, Anycubic’s range of printers offers something for everyone. But what exactly sets Anycubic apart in a market flooded with options?

First and foremost, Anycubic is celebrated for its commitment to pushing the boundaries of 3D printing technology. With a focus on creating user-friendly, high-quality, and fast 3D printers, Anycubic has consistently delivered devices that not only meet but exceed the expectations of its diverse user base. From intricate models to functional parts, Anycubic printers ensure precision and detail that can bring the most ambitious projects to life.

But Anycubic’s appeal doesn’t stop at its technological prowess. The brand is known for its vibrant community of users and enthusiasts. Whether you need tips, tricks, or troubleshooting advice, there’s a global community ready to support and inspire your 3D printing journey. Furthermore, Anycubic places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, offering responsive support and continuous updates to enhance your printing experience.

As we embark on this exploration of the best Anycubic 3D printers of the year, based on user ratings and reviews, we’ll dive into what makes each model stand out. From the hobbyist looking to experiment at home to the professional demanding precision and speed, Anycubic’s lineup promises to deliver. Let’s discover together which Anycubic 3D printer might be the perfect fit for your needs, aspirations, and dreams.

Why Anycubic?

In a world teeming with 3D printing options, choosing the right brand can be as critical as selecting the right model. So, why do countless enthusiasts and professionals alike swear by Anycubic? The answer lies in a unique blend of innovation, quality, and community that Anycubic has cultivated over the years.

Innovation at Its Core: At the heart of Anycubic’s philosophy is a relentless pursuit of innovation. Anycubic continually invests in research and development, ensuring that each new model introduces features or improvements that enhance the user experience. Whether it’s advancements in print quality, speed, or reliability, Anycubic strives to push the envelope, making cutting-edge technology accessible to a broad audience.

Unmatched Quality and Reliability: Anycubic has earned a reputation for producing printers that are not just innovative but also remarkably reliable. Quality is evident in every aspect, from the robust build of the machines to the precision of the prints they produce. Users frequently highlight the longevity and durability of their Anycubic printers, emphasizing how these machines withstand the test of time and usage.

Affordability Without Compromise: Despite the high standards of performance and quality, Anycubic printers remain surprisingly affordable. This balance between cost and quality makes Anycubic an attractive option for beginners and seasoned users alike. Anycubic proves that you don’t have to break the bank to access professional-grade 3D printing technology.

A Thriving Community of Users: Perhaps one of Anycubic’s most significant assets is its vibrant, supportive community. From forums and social media groups to user-generated content and tutorials, new users find a wealth of resources at their fingertips. This community-driven support system is invaluable, offering advice, inspiration, and solutions to common challenges.

Responsive Customer Support: Anycubic understands the importance of backing their products with strong customer service. Users report positive experiences with Anycubic’s responsive support team, which is ready to assist with technical issues, provide guidance, and ensure customers get the most out of their printers.

Versatility for Various Needs: Whether you’re printing detailed miniatures, functional parts, or artistic sculptures, Anycubic’s range of printers caters to a wide spectrum of needs and preferences. This versatility makes Anycubic a go-to brand for users with diverse projects and goals.

Anycubic stands out not just for the printers it manufactures but for the comprehensive ecosystem it supports. By combining innovation with quality, affordability, and a strong community, Anycubic has cemented its place as a trusted name in the 3D printing world. Whether you’re a hobbyist looking to explore the possibilities of 3D printing or a professional demanding the utmost in quality and reliability, Anycubic offers a range of solutions designed to inspire and enable creativity.

Top Anycubic Models

When it comes to excellence in 3D printing, several Anycubic models rise above the rest, each distinguished by its unique features, performance, and user satisfaction. This year, models like the Anycubic Photon Ultra, Anycubic Kobra Plus, and Anycubic Kobra Max have captured the attention and admiration of the 3D printing community. Let’s take a closer look at what makes these models stand out.

Anycubic Photon Ultra: Revolutionizing Resin Printing

Key Feature: Precision and Clarity

  • Advanced DLP Technology: Utilizes Digital Light Processing (DLP) for high precision and resolution, ideal for detailed and complex models.
  • High Print Quality: Delivers exceptional detail and smooth surface finishes, surpassing typical resin printer capabilities.
  • Efficient Printing Process: Features efficient layer curing times, increasing overall printing speed without sacrificing quality.
  • Low Maintenance Requirements: Designed for ease of use and maintenance, making it accessible even for beginners in resin printing.
  • Compact and Reliable Design: Its compact footprint and robust construction make it suitable for both hobbyist and professional environments.

Why It Stands Out: The Anycubic Photon Ultra stands out primarily due to its use of DLP technology, which offers a significant improvement in print resolution and surface quality compared to standard resin printers. This technology makes the Photon Ultra particularly appealing for professionals and enthusiasts who require high levels of detail, such as in jewelry making, dental industry applications, or detailed miniatures. Its efficiency and low maintenance needs further enhance its attractiveness, providing a user-friendly experience that minimizes the hassle often associated with resin printing.

Anycubic Kobra Max: The Workhorse of FDM Printing

Key Feature: Reliability and Build Volume

  • Large Build Volume: Offers one of the largest build volumes available, perfect for big projects or batch printing.
  • LeviQ Auto-Leveling Technology: Incorporates advanced auto-leveling for a seamless, user-friendly setup experience.
  • Robust Design: Designed to be durable and reliable, suitable for long print jobs.
  • Wide Material Compatibility: Compatible with a broad range of materials, allowing for diverse project executions.
  • Enhanced User Interface: Features a clear and responsive touchscreen interface for easy control and navigation.

Why It Stands Out: The Anycubic Kobra Max is particularly notable for its expansive build volume, catering to users who need to print large or multiple pieces simultaneously. Its robust design and advanced leveling technology make it a dependable choice for intensive use, ideal for professional settings or serious hobbyists who require more from their 3D printers. The versatility in material handling further ensures that the Kobra Max can tackle a wide array of printing tasks, from functional parts to intricate models, with ease.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: User-Friendly with Exceptional Speed

Key Feature: Speed and Ease of Use

  • Auto-Leveling System: Features Anycubic’s LeviQ auto-leveling technology for hassle-free setup.
  • Optimal Build Volume: Provides a generous build volume that accommodates a variety of projects without being overly bulky.
  • High Print Speed and Quality: Delivers fast printing capabilities without compromising on the intricate details of the print.
  • Versatile Material Compatibility: Supports multiple filament types including PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU, ideal for different printing needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with an intuitive touchscreen that simplifies the user interaction.

Why It Stands Out: The Anycubic Kobra Plus stands out due to its perfect blend of size, speed, and user-friendliness, making it ideal for both newcomers and experienced enthusiasts. Its auto-leveling system and intuitive operation remove many of the complexities associated with 3D printing, allowing users to focus more on design and less on setup. The printer’s ability to maintain high-quality prints at increased speeds is particularly appealing for users looking to produce detailed prints efficiently.

Why These Models Shine: Across these standout models, a few common themes emerge: technological innovation, user-centric design, and reliable performance. Anycubic’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in 3D printing shines through, whether it’s in resin or filament printing technologies. These models exemplify the brand’s dedication to providing high-quality, accessible, and enjoyable printing experiences, making them top choices for users worldwide.

What Users Are Saying: Across forums, reviews, and social media, the feedback on these models is overwhelmingly positive. Users frequently cite the excellent print quality, ease of use, and reliability as key factors in their satisfaction. The supportive Anycubic community and responsive customer service are also noted as significant advantages of owning an Anycubic printer.

Detailed Reviews

Anycubic Photon Ultra: Precision Resin Printing Redefined

The Anycubic Photon Ultra is designed for enthusiasts and professionals who require unmatched detail and precision in their 3D prints, making it ideal for applications like jewelry, dental work, and highly detailed miniatures.

  • Advanced DLP Technology: At the heart of the Photon Ultra’s success is its use of Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology. Unlike traditional SLA printers that use a laser to cure resin, the Photon Ultra uses a digital projector to cure entire layers simultaneously. This allows for incredibly fast and precise resin curing, significantly reducing print times while enhancing detail.
  • Exceptional Print Quality: The Photon Ultra excels in producing parts with extremely fine details and smooth surface finishes. The precision of DLP technology ensures that each print is not only accurate but also has minimal visible layer lines, which is often a challenging aspect of resin printing.
  • Reliability and Consistency: This printer is built to deliver consistent results print after print. The uniform light distribution from its advanced projector ensures that every part of each layer is cured evenly, reducing the occurrence of print failures and anomalies.
  • User-Friendly Features: Despite its advanced technology, the Photon Ultra remains accessible to users of all skill levels. It features a straightforward setup process, easy-to-use interface, and comes with pre-configured settings that minimize the learning curve typically associated with resin printing.
  • Efficient and Economical: The Photon Ultra is designed to be more efficient with resin than other 3D printers in its class, thanks to its precise light engine which reduces waste. Additionally, its low power consumption and durable build reduce operating costs over time.

Final Thoughts:

The Anycubic Photon Ultra stands out in the market for detailed resin printing, offering a combination of speed, precision, and ease of use that is hard to find in other models. It is particularly suited to users who need to produce detailed objects with fine features and smooth finishes. Whether for professional or hobbyist applications, the Photon Ultra offers capabilities that can transform ideas into high-quality, tangible products with unprecedented ease.

Anycubic Kobra Max: Mastering Large-Scale Printing with Ease

The Anycubic Kobra Max is tailored for users who require substantial build volumes without compromising on print quality or usability. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes the Kobra Max an exceptional choice for large-scale 3D printing.

  • Build Quality and Design: The Kobra Max boasts a sturdy and durable frame that supports its large build platform, essential for maintaining stability and precision during extended print jobs. This solid construction minimizes vibrations, which can affect print quality in large-scale printing.
  • Ease of Use: Equipped with the LeviQ auto-leveling system, the Kobra Max simplifies the preparation process by automatically calibrating the print bed. This feature is especially valuable for large printers, where manual leveling can be cumbersome and time-consuming. The machine also features a user-friendly interface on a large touchscreen, making it easy to control settings and monitor print progress.
  • Print Quality and Performance: Despite its expansive build volume, the Kobra Max does not sacrifice detail or quality. It manages to produce consistently high-quality prints, thanks to a precise extrusion mechanism and effective cooling systems that ensure each layer is perfectly formed and adhered.
  • Material Compatibility: The heated bed of the Kobra Max allows it to work with a wide array of filament types, including PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU. This versatility is crucial for users looking to experiment with different applications, from functional parts to artistic creations.
  • Reliability and Scalability: The Kobra Max is designed to perform reliably over long print cycles, an important feature for a printer designed to handle large projects. Its reliability, coupled with minimal maintenance requirements, makes it a suitable option for professional settings where printer downtime can impact productivity.

Final Thoughts:

The Anycubic Kobra Max is an impressive machine, ideal for anyone from professional designers and manufacturers to educators and hobbyists who need the capability to print big. Its combination of a large build area, ease of use, and consistent performance makes it a leading choice for those looking to push the boundaries of size in their 3D printing projects. With the Kobra Max, users can tackle large-scale prints with confidence, knowing they have the technology to back up their most ambitious ideas.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: A Closer Look at Versatility and Performance

The Anycubic Kobra Plus stands out for its excellent balance of quality, speed, and usability, making it a favored choice for both beginners and experienced users. Let’s delve deeper into the features that make the Kobra Plus a reliable and versatile 3D printer.

  • Build Quality and Design: The Kobra Plus is constructed with a sturdy frame that enhances print stability and reduces vibrations during printing. This robust design is crucial for maintaining high print quality, especially when working with different materials or on larger prints.
  • Ease of Use: Featuring Anycubic’s LeviQ auto-leveling system, the Kobra Plus automates one of the most tedious aspects of 3D printing. This auto-leveling technology ensures a perfect first layer, vital for the overall success of the print. Coupled with an intuitive touchscreen interface, the printer provides a user-friendly experience right from setup to operation.
  • Print Quality and Performance: The Kobra Plus excels in delivering high-quality prints consistently. Its direct drive extruder is precise, providing better filament control and thus enhancing print quality with materials that are often challenging, like flexible filaments. The heated bed promotes excellent adhesion and reduces warping, ensuring smooth and detailed prints.
  • Material Compatibility: This model’s ability to handle a variety of filaments—from PLA and ABS to more specialty materials like TPU—makes it exceptionally versatile. Whether you are creating functional prototypes or artistic pieces, the Kobra Plus adapts easily to your project needs.
  • Reliability and Maintenance: Users of the Kobra Plus benefit from its low maintenance design. Regular updates and easy-to-replace components make it a dependable machine for continuous operation, suitable for educational environments, small businesses, or home use.

Final Thoughts:

The Anycubic Kobra Plus is a well-rounded 3D printer that efficiently meets the needs of a broad user base. Its combination of auto-leveling, direct drive extrusion, and versatile material compatibility makes it an outstanding choice for anyone looking to achieve professional-grade results in a variety of printing tasks. Its ease of use and reliable performance ensure that users can focus more on creativity and less on troubleshooting, making it an excellent investment for those looking to explore or expand their 3D printing capabilities.

Price Comparison

When selecting a 3D printer, price is a crucial factor for many users. Anycubic’s range includes models that cater to various budgets, without compromising on quality. Let’s break down the pricing of the Anycubic Photon Ultra, Anycubic Kobra Max, and Anycubic Kobra Plus, offering insights into which model might provide the best value for your specific needs.

Anycubic Photon Ultra: The Premium Choice for Resin Printing

  • Price Point: The Photon Ultra is positioned as a mid-range resin printer in terms of pricing. It’s accessible for both hobbyists and professionals who need high-detail printing capabilities without the premium cost typically associated with advanced resin printers.
  • Value Proposition: The Photon Ultra uses Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, which is generally more expensive but offers superior precision and detail in prints compared to standard LCD resin printers. This makes it an excellent value for users who require fine detail for applications like jewelry, dental work, or intricate miniatures.
  • Why It Stands Out: The Photon Ultra’s appeal lies in its ability to bring DLP technology, typically found in higher-end models, to a more affordable price bracket. This accessibility opens up high-quality resin printing to a broader audience, making it an attractive option for those looking to upgrade from basic models without breaking the bank.

Comparison with Other Models:

  • Anycubic Kobra Max: While the Kobra Max excels in large-scale FDM printing at a similar price point, the Photon Ultra specializes in detailed resin printing. The choice between these two would depend on the user’s primary need—size and volume versus precision and detail.
  • Anycubic Kobra Plus: Offering versatility in filament-based printing at a lower price point, the Kobra Plus is suited for users looking for a reliable all-around printer. In contrast, the Photon Ultra is specifically designed for those needing enhanced detail that only resin printing can provide.

Overall Comparison:

  • Best for High-Detail Resin Printing: The Anycubic Photon Ultra is ideal for users who need extremely high resolution and detail in their prints, particularly for professional applications or detailed artistic projects.
  • Best for Large Projects and Volume Printing: The Anycubic Kobra Max serves those needing to print large objects or manage high-volume printing efficiently.
  • Best Value for General 3D Printing Needs: The Anycubic Kobra Plus remains a strong contender for users seeking good performance and versatility at a more accessible price point.

Anycubic Kobra Max: Balanced Performance at a Mid-Range Price

  • Price Point: The Kobra Max is priced to appeal to users who need large build volumes but are also conscious of budget. It strikes a balance between offering extensive capabilities and maintaining affordability.
  • Value Proposition: Featuring one of the largest build areas available in its price range, the Kobra Max is perfect for users who need to print large models or multiple items simultaneously. The inclusion of features like LeviQ auto-leveling technology adds considerable value, enhancing its appeal to both new and experienced users.
  • Why It Stands Out: The Kobra Max stands out due to its exceptional build volume and competitive pricing, making large-scale 3D printing more accessible without a hefty investment. Its robust design and reliable performance further justify its cost, particularly for small businesses, educators, or hobbyists with substantial project requirements.

Comparison with Other Models:

  • Anycubic Photon Ultra: While the Photon Ultra specializes in high-resolution resin printing and commands a higher price for its precision, the Kobra Max offers a different kind of value with its filament-based printing capabilities and significantly larger build volume.
  • Anycubic Kobra Plus: The Kobra Plus offers similar features to the Kobra Max but at a smaller scale and lower price It is ideal for users who do not require the extensive build volume provided by the Kobra Max, offering a more compact solution that still retains high functionality.

Overall Comparison:

  • Best for Large-Scale Projects: The Anycubic Kobra Max is the go-to model for those who need to tackle large or multiple projects simultaneously. Its large build volume allows for considerable flexibility in the scale and scope of projects.
  • Best for Detailed and Precision Printing: For users who prioritize detail over build size, the Anycubic Photon Ultra remains the best choice, albeit at a higher price point.
  • Best for General Use and Moderate Builds: For general users who need a balance of features, size, and cost, the Anycubic Kobra Plus provides a middle ground, making it suitable for a wide range of printing tasks.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: Affordable Speed and User-Friendliness

  • Price Point: The Kobra Plus is competitively priced, making it accessible to a wide range of users, from hobbyists to more experienced makers. It offers substantial value given its capabilities and technological features.
  • Value Proposition: The Kobra Plus is equipped with Anycubic’s LeviQ auto-leveling system and a decent build volume, which are usually found in more expensive models. This makes it a cost-effective choice for users looking for high functionality without a high price tag.
  • Why It Stands Out: Its combination of affordability, user-friendly features, and reliable performance makes the Kobra Plus a standout model. It’s particularly appealing for those new to 3D printing or those on a budget who do not want to compromise on quality and technological advancements.

Comparison with Other Models:

  • Anycubic Photon Ultra: While the Photon Ultra is tailored for high-resolution resin printing and commands a higher price, the Kobra Plus offers versatility and ease of use with filament-based printing at a more accessible price point.
  • Anycubic Kobra Max: The Kobra Max offers a larger build volume and is slightly more expensive than the Kobra Plus.

For users whose projects require expansive print capacities, the extra investment in the Kobra Max could be worthwhile. However, for many users, the Kobra Plus provides a balanced mix of build volume and affordability.

Overall Comparison:

  • Best for Budget-Conscious Beginners and Hobbyists: The Anycubic Kobra Plus is ideal for individuals entering the world of 3D printing or those who need a reliable but affordable machine. Its features provide excellent value for the price, making it a smart choice for cost-sensitive buyers.
  • Best for Advanced Users Needing Detailed Prints: For those who need ultra-high resolution, the Anycubic Photon Ultra remains the go-to, albeit at a higher cost.
  • Best for Large Projects: The Anycubic Kobra Max serves users looking to undertake larger projects, offering extensive build volume for a slightly higher investment than the Kobra Plus.

Ease of Use

Anycubic Photon Ultra: Simplifying Resin Printing

  • Advanced DLP Technology: The Anycubic Photon Ultra leverages Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology which, despite its complexity in providing high detail and precision, is implemented in a way that simplifies the user experience. This advanced technology ensures accurate and consistent prints with less hassle.
  • Intuitive Touchscreen Interface: Equipped with an interactive and responsive touchscreen, the Photon Ultra makes it easy for users to navigate through settings and monitor their printing process. This interface simplifies the operation, making it accessible even for those new to resin printing.
  • Pre-calibrated Light Engine: Unlike some resin printers that require frequent calibration, the Photon Ultra comes with a pre-calibrated light engine. This significantly reduces setup time and maintenance, allowing users to focus more on printing and less on machine upkeep.
  • Efficient Resin Use: The printer is designed to be economical with resin, a notable benefit given the cost of materials. It employs an efficient vat system that minimizes resin waste, enhancing the overall usability and cost-effectiveness of the printer.
  • Reliable Print Success: The Photon Ultra is engineered to increase the likelihood of successful prints with features that promote stability and precision. This reliability is crucial for users who need consistent results without the need for constant troubleshooting.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Photon Ultra stands out in the realm of resin printers for its combination of high-resolution capabilities with user-friendly features. Its easy-to-use interface, minimal maintenance requirements, and efficient resin management make it an ideal choice for hobbyists and professionals who require detailed prints without the complexity often associated with high-definition resin printing. The Photon Ultra democratizes high-quality 3D printing by making it more accessible and less intimidating for all users.

Anycubic Kobra Max: Maximizing Convenience in Large Format Printing

  • LeviQ Auto-Leveling Technology: The Anycubic Kobra Max incorporates advanced LeviQ auto-leveling technology, which automatically calibrates the print bed across 25 points, ensuring optimal adhesion and consistently high-quality prints. This feature is particularly valuable for large-format printers, as leveling becomes increasingly crucial with larger print areas.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The Kobra Max features a large, intuitive touchscreen interface that simplifies the control and monitoring of print jobs. This ease of navigation makes the printer accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.
  • Quick and Easy Assembly: Designed with user convenience in mind, the Kobra Max arrives partially assembled with clear, step-by-step instructions. This allows for quick setup, enabling users to start printing in a relatively short amount of time.
  • Versatile Material Handling: This printer supports a broad range of filament types, including PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU. The Kobra Max’s capability to handle diverse materials effortlessly makes it a versatile tool for various printing projects, further enhancing its ease of use.
  • Efficient Printing with Large Volume: The Kobra Max’s substantial build volume is paired with features designed to make large-scale printing as straightforward as smaller projects. Despite its capability to handle big prints, the machine maintains ease of use, making large-format 3D printing more accessible to a wider audience.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Max stands out due to its combination of large build volume and user-friendly features, making it one of the best choices for users looking to undertake big projects without the complexity often associated with large-format printing. Its robust auto-leveling system and intuitive interface reduce the potential intimidation factor of using a large 3D printer, while its quick assembly and versatile material support ensure a smooth and enjoyable printing experience.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: User-Friendly and Accessible

  • Auto-Leveling System: One of the standout features of the Anycubic Kobra Plus is its auto-leveling capability. The LeviQ auto-leveling system automatically adjusts the print bed at 25 points, ensuring a perfectly level bed without manual intervention. This feature significantly simplifies the setup process, making it especially appealing for beginners or those who value convenience.
  • Intuitive Touchscreen Interface: The Kobra Plus is equipped with a responsive and easy-to-navigate touchscreen interface. This simplifies the user interaction, making the control of printing processes more intuitive and less intimidating for new users.
  • Quick Assembly: The Kobra Plus comes partially assembled with clear instructions and can be set up in just a few steps. This ease of assembly is a huge plus for those who are eager to start printing without getting bogged down by complicated setup procedures.
  • Flexible Filament Compatibility: This printer supports a variety of filament types, including PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU. The flexibility in material compatibility not only enhances the ease of use but also allows for a wide range of applications, accommodating different project requirements seamlessly.
  • Efficient Printing: Equipped with a direct drive extruder, the Kobra Plus is effective at handling flexible filaments and reduces the risk of filament jamming. This reliability in operation simplifies the printing process and ensures consistent print quality, which is crucial for user satisfaction.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Plus is notably user-friendly due to its combination of automatic features, simple assembly, and intuitive controls. These features make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced users looking for a hassle-free 3D printing experience. The auto-leveling system, in particular, reduces the learning curve associated with 3D printing, allowing users to achieve high-quality prints right from the start.

Print Quality

Anycubic Photon Ultra: Simplifying High-Resolution Resin Printing

  • Advanced DLP Technology: The Anycubic Photon Ultra leverages Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology which, despite its complexity in providing high detail and precision, is implemented in a way that simplifies the user experience. This advanced technology ensures accurate and consistent prints with less hassle.
  • Intuitive Touchscreen Interface: Equipped with an interactive and responsive touchscreen, the Photon Ultra makes it easy for users to navigate through settings and monitor their printing process. This interface simplifies the operation, making it accessible even for those new to resin printing.
  • Pre-calibrated Light Engine: Unlike some resin printers that require frequent calibration, the Photon Ultra comes with a pre-calibrated light engine. This significantly reduces setup time and maintenance, allowing users to focus more on printing and less on machine upkeep.
  • Efficient Resin Use: The printer is designed to be economical with resin, a notable benefit given the cost of materials. It employs an efficient vat system that minimizes resin waste, enhancing the overall usability and cost-effectiveness of the printer.
  • Reliable Print Success: The Photon Ultra is engineered to increase the likelihood of successful prints with features that promote stability and precision. This reliability is crucial for users who need consistent results without the need for constant troubleshooting.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Photon Ultra stands out in the realm of resin printers for its combination of high-resolution capabilities with user-friendly features. Its easy-to-use interface, minimal maintenance requirements, and efficient resin management make it an ideal choice for hobbyists and professionals who require detailed prints without the complexity often associated with high-definition resin printing. The Photon Ultra democratizes high-quality 3D printing by making it more accessible and less intimidating for all users.

Anycubic Kobra Max: Maximizing Convenience in Large Format Printing

  • LeviQ Auto-Leveling Technology: The Anycubic Kobra Max incorporates advanced LeviQ auto-leveling technology, which automatically calibrates the print bed across 25 points, ensuring optimal adhesion and consistently high-quality prints. This feature is particularly valuable for large-format printers, as leveling becomes increasingly crucial with larger print areas.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The Kobra Max features a large, intuitive touchscreen interface that simplifies the control and monitoring of print jobs. This ease of navigation makes the printer accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.
  • Quick and Easy Assembly: Designed with user convenience in mind, the Kobra Max arrives partially assembled with clear, step-by-step instructions. This allows for quick setup, enabling users to start printing in a relatively short amount of time.
  • Versatile Material Handling: This printer supports a broad range of filament types, including PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU. The Kobra Max’s capability to handle diverse materials effortlessly makes it a versatile tool for various printing projects, further enhancing its ease of use.
  • Efficient Printing with Large Volume: The Kobra Max’s substantial build volume is paired with features designed to make large-scale printing as straightforward as smaller projects. Despite its capability to handle big prints, the machine maintains ease of use, making large-format 3D printing more accessible to a wider audience.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Max stands out due to its combination of large build volume and user-friendly features, making it one of the best choices for users looking to undertake big projects without the complexity often associated with large-format printing. Its robust auto-leveling system and intuitive interface reduce the potential intimidation factor of using a large 3D printer, while its quick assembly and versatile material support ensure a smooth and enjoyable printing experience.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: Exceptional Print Quality Across a Range of Applications

  • High-Resolution Printing: The Anycubic Kobra Plus is designed to deliver high-resolution prints with a fine layer resolution, which is crucial for achieving smooth surfaces and detailed features in printed objects. This makes it suitable for a variety of applications, from detailed models and prototypes to functional household items.
  • Consistent Performance: Equipped with a direct drive extruder, the Kobra Plus offers improved filament control, which enhances the overall print quality by reducing issues like stringing and oozing. This setup ensures that prints are not only accurate but also consistently high in quality, even when using challenging materials like flexible filaments.
  • Advanced Cooling System: The Kobra Plus incorporates an advanced cooling system that rapidly cools down the extruded filament, crucial for maintaining print integrity and sharpness of details. This system helps in producing clean overhangs and bridges with minimal support structures.
  • Wide Material Compatibility: Capable of handling a variety of filament types including PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU, the Kobra Plus allows users to experiment with different materials to achieve the desired finish and mechanical properties. Each material can be finely tuned via the printer’s settings for optimal results.
  • Layer Adhesion and Surface Finish: Thanks to its heated bed and effective temperature management, the Kobra Plus maintains excellent layer adhesion, minimizing warping and curling issues. The resulting prints exhibit smooth surfaces with a uniform appearance, which is especially important for functional parts and aesthetic pieces.
  • Layer Adhesion and Surface Finish: Thanks to its heated bed and effective temperature management, the Kobra Plus maintains excellent layer adhesion, minimizing warping and curling issues. The resulting prints exhibit smooth surfaces with a uniform appearance, which is especially important for functional parts and aesthetic pieces.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Plus stands out for its ability to combine ease of use with excellent print quality. It is particularly noted for its reliability and the ability to produce high-quality prints consistently. This makes the Kobra Plus a versatile choice for both beginners looking to produce high-quality prints right from the start and for more experienced users demanding precision and reliability in their printing projects.


Anycubic Photon Ultra: Rapid Resin Printing with Advanced DLP Technology

  • Enhanced Printing Speeds: The Anycubic Photon Ultra utilizes Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology which is inherently faster than traditional SLA printing methods. DLP uses a digital projector screen to expose each entire layer of resin simultaneously, significantly speeding up the printing process.
  • Consistent Layer Exposure: The Photon Ultra’s advanced light engine ensures that each layer is cured uniformly and quickly, which not only contributes to faster printing times but also enhances the overall quality of the prints. This consistent exposure reduces the time needed for each layer, allowing for quicker completion of detailed projects.
  • Efficient Resin Curing: The precision of the DLP projector in the Photon Ultra optimizes the curing process, ensuring that resin is only cured where necessary, thus minimizing waste and speeding up the operation. This efficiency is particularly notable in how quickly models can be produced compared to other resin printers.
  • Streamlined Post-Processing: Thanks to the high accuracy and clean finish of prints produced by the Photon Ultra, post-processing time is often reduced. Less time spent cleaning and finishing prints can significantly decrease the total project time, adding to the speed advantage.
  • User-Friendly Software Integration: Anycubic’s proprietary software further enhances the printing speed by optimizing the preparation of print files. The software is designed to streamline the slicing process, making it faster and more efficient, which helps in reducing overall print time.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Photon Ultra stands out in the resin printer market for its ability to combine high-detail output with rapid print capabilities. This printer is particularly appealing to professionals and hobbyists who require detailed prints in less time, such as in dental labs, jewelry design, or intricate model making. Its use of DLP technology not only improves the speed but also the consistency and efficiency of the printing process, making it a preferred choice for those who value both precision and productivity.

Anycubic Kobra Max: Large Format Printing at High Speeds

  • Rapid Print Capabilities: The Anycubic Kobra Max is designed to handle large-scale prints without slowing down. Thanks to its robust and efficient direct drive extruder system, the Kobra Max can maintain high speeds even when dealing with extensive print jobs, ensuring productivity does not compromise for size.
  • Optimized Printing Speeds for Large Builds: Despite its large build volume, the Kobra Max maintains impressive printing speeds. This efficiency is supported by a well-tuned mechanical design that minimizes vibrations and maintains stability, crucial for maintaining speed over large print areas.
  • Advanced Slicing Software: Anycubic’s slicing software comes optimized for the Kobra Max, enabling users to adjust settings to maximize speed without losing detail. The software plays a significant role in managing how quickly layers are printed, adapting to the complexity of the print and the material used.
  • Quick Heating System: The printer features a fast-heating bed and nozzle which significantly reduce the time it takes for the printer to become operational. This rapid heating capability is invaluable when managing back-to-back printing tasks, allowing for a seamless transition between projects.
  • Efficient Auto-Leveling: The Kobra Max is equipped with the LeviQ auto-leveling technology, which not only ensures a perfectly level bed for each print but also accelerates the initial setup process. This feature saves valuable time, especially when frequent adjustments are otherwise needed.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Max is especially noteworthy for its ability to deliver fast printing speeds while managing large-scale projects. This printer is ideal for users who require efficiency in producing big prints, such as full-scale prototypes or large art installations. Its combination of speed, size, and reliability makes it a top choice for educational settings, small businesses, and hobbyists engaged in large project outputs.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: Efficient Printing with Impressive Speed

  • Fast Printing Capabilities: The Anycubic Kobra Plus is designed to offer a significant improvement in print speed without compromising the quality of the output. It achieves this through its efficient direct drive extruder, which provides better control and faster delivery of filament to the hot end, enabling quicker print completion times.
  • Optimized Mechanical Design: The structure of the Kobra Plus is optimized for speed, with a stable frame that reduces vibrations even at higher printing speeds. This stability is crucial for maintaining print quality while operating faster than many comparable models.
  • Advanced Slicing Software: Anycubic provides slicing software that is tailored to work seamlessly with the Kobra Plus, optimizing print speed settings based on model complexity and material type. This software allows for adjustments that can further enhance the printer’s speed while ensuring reliable results.
  • Rapid Heating System: The Kobra Plus features a fast-heating print bed and nozzle, which minimizes the time spent waiting for the printer to reach the optimal printing temperature. This rapid heating capability is essential for maintaining a fast workflow, especially when multiple prints are being produced in succession.
  • Auto-Leveling Efficiency: Equipped with Anycubic’s LeviQ auto-leveling system, the Kobra Plus reduces the time typically required for manual bed leveling. This automatic system ensures a quicker start to each print job, significantly cutting down overall project time.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Plus is particularly notable for its ability to balance speed with quality. This model stands out for users who need to increase their productivity without sacrificing the fine details and overall aesthetics of their prints. Whether it’s for rapid prototyping or efficient production of multiple pieces, the Kobra Plus offers a compelling combination of speed and performance that makes it a valuable tool for both hobbyists and professionals.

Software Compatibility

Anycubic Photon Ultra: Precision Software Integration for Detailed Resin Printing

  • Optimized Slicing Software: The Anycubic Photon Ultra is compatible with Anycubic’s proprietary Photon Workshop, designed specifically for resin printers. This software is optimized to handle the intricate details and nuances required for high-resolution DLP printing, ensuring that models are accurately translated into printable files.
  • Support for Third-Party Slicing Software: Beyond Anycubic’s own software, the Photon Ultra supports third-party slicing software that can generate compatible files, such as ChiTuBox or Lychee Slicer. These programs offer advanced features for resin printing, such as customizable support structures and fine control over layer height and exposure times.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Photon Workshop provides a straightforward and intuitive user interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to prepare their models for printing. The software includes pre-configured profiles specifically tailored to the Photon Ultra, simplifying the setup process for optimal results.
  • File Compatibility: The printer supports common file formats used in 3D printing, including STL and OBJ, allowing users to import models created in various CAD and 3D modeling software. This versatility is important for professionals who rely on detailed models for applications such as jewelry design, dental work, and miniature modeling.
  • Regular Updates and Improvements: Anycubic continually updates its software to improve functionality, add new features, and ensure compatibility with the latest printing technologies. These updates are crucial for maintaining the printer’s high performance and ensuring that users can take advantage of the latest improvements in resin printing technology.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Photon Ultra shines in its ability to integrate seamlessly with specialized slicing software, enhancing its utility for detailed resin printing. Its support for powerful third-party tools further bolsters its appeal to professional users who require precise control over their printing processes. This focus on software compatibility, combined with regular updates and a supportive user community, ensures that the Photon Ultra remains at the forefront of resin printing technology, delivering exceptional print quality with ease and efficiency.

Anycubic Kobra Max: Expansive Compatibility for Large-Scale Printing

Wide Range of Slicing Software Compatibility: The Anycubic Kobra Max supports various popular slicing software options, including Anycubic’s own slicing software, Ultimaker Cura, and Simplify3D. This wide compatibility ensures that users can continue using their preferred software or switch between different options depending on the project requirements.

  • Versatile File Format Support: The Kobra Max is equipped to handle a variety of 3D printing file formats, such as STL, OBJ, and AMF. This flexibility allows users to easily import models from nearly any 3D modeling software, facilitating a seamless transition from design to printing.
  • User-Friendly Interface Enhancements: Anycubic provides a responsive and intuitive interface in its slicing software, tailored to optimize the use of the Kobra Max’s large build volume. The software includes features for advanced print setting adjustments, model scaling, and detailed support customization, enhancing the printing process for large-scale models.
  • Continuous Software and Firmware Updates: Anycubic regularly updates the firmware for the Kobra Max, which improves software compatibility, printing accuracy, and introduces new features. These updates are crucial for keeping the printer optimized and ensuring it remains compatible with the latest software advancements.
  • Community Support and Resources: The Anycubic user community actively shares insights, profiles, and optimized settings for the Kobra Max, particularly in forums and social media groups. This community-driven support is invaluable for users looking to maximize the printer’s capabilities or troubleshoot software-related issues.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Max stands out due to its robust software compatibility and the ease with which it integrates into various printing workflows. This printer is especially appealing for users who manage large-scale projects and require a printer that can adapt to different software environments and updates. Its compatibility with leading slicing software ensures that users can leverage the best tools for every project, making the Kobra Max a versatile and future-proof choice in the 3D printing market.

Anycubic Kobra Plus: Versatile and User-Friendly Software Integration

  • Broad Slicing Software Support: The Anycubic Kobra Plus is compatible with a variety of popular slicing software, including Anycubic’s proprietary software, Cura, and Simplify3D. This compatibility allows users to choose the software they are most comfortable with or that best meets their specific printing needs.
  • Ease of File Handling: The Kobra Plus supports common 3D file formats such as STL, OBJ, and AMF, ensuring users can easily import and manage designs from various 3D modeling software. This flexibility facilitates a smooth workflow from design to print.
  • Intuitive Interface: Anycubic’s own slicing software is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, providing both novices and experienced users with powerful tools to optimize their prints. Features such as customizable support structures, layer resolution settings, and material profiles help users fine-tune the printer to their specific requirements.
  • Regular Firmware Updates: Anycubic actively supports the Kobra Plus with regular firmware updates that enhance printer functionality and compatibility. These updates often include improvements to software interfaces, printing algorithms, and expand compatibility with newer materials and slicing software enhancements.
  • Community-Driven Improvements: The strong community around Anycubic printers contributes various custom profiles and tweaks for different slicing software, which are readily shared among users. This community support not only enhances the out-of-the-box experience but also provides a wealth of knowledge for optimizing print settings and troubleshooting.

Why It Stands Out:

The Anycubic Kobra Plus stands out for its commitment to ensuring software compatibility and ease of use, making it highly adaptable to various user environments and needs. Its ability to work seamlessly with multiple slicing platforms, coupled with Anycubic’s responsive software updates and strong community support, ensures that users can always get the most out of their printer, regardless of their project complexity or software preference.

Customer Support

Responsive and Accessible Service

  • Multiple Channels of Support: Anycubic offers a range of support channels, including email, live chat, and social media platforms, ensuring that users can reach out for help in the way that suits them best. This accessibility is crucial for resolving issues quickly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and frustration.
  • Global Support Network: With a global presence, Anycubic ensures that users from different regions can receive support in their local time zones and languages. This global network is not only about troubleshooting but also about providing a seamless experience for users worldwide, recognizing the diverse Anycubic user base.

Educational Resources and Documentation

  • Comprehensive Guides and Manuals: Anycubic provides detailed guides and manuals with its printers, offering step-by-step instructions on setup, operation, and troubleshooting. These resources are designed to be user-friendly, catering to both beginners and experienced users.
  • Online Tutorials and Webinars: Beyond the manuals, Anycubic regularly publishes tutorials, video guides, and hosts webinars on various topics related to 3D printing. These resources are invaluable for users looking to expand their knowledge, learn new techniques, or troubleshoot common issues.

Active Community Engagement

  • User Forums and Social Media Groups: Anycubic supports a vibrant community of users who share insights, tips, and solutions on forums and social media groups. This peer-to-peer support complements Anycubic’s official channels, often providing real-world advice and creative solutions to common challenges.
  • Feedback Loop: Anycubic actively listens to its user base, using feedback from support interactions and community discussions to inform product improvements and updates. This feedback loop demonstrates Anycubic’s commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

Warranty and Replacement Parts

  • Warranty Coverage: Anycubic backs its printers with a warranty, offering peace of mind to users. The warranty terms cover various components and issues, ensuring that users are protected against manufacturing defects.
  • Availability of Replacement Parts: Understanding that maintenance is part of the 3D printing experience, Anycubic makes it easy to access replacement parts. This ease of obtaining parts is crucial for keeping printers in optimal condition and extending their lifespan.

Final Verdict

As we’ve navigated through the intricacies of what makes Anycubic 3D printers a preferred choice among enthusiasts and professionals alike, it’s clear that the brand stands out for its innovation, quality, and commitment to user satisfaction. The detailed reviews of the Photon Ultra, Anycubic Kobra Plus, and Anycubic Kobra Max reveal a lineup that caters to a broad spectrum of users, from those valuing precision in resin printing to others needing reliability and volume in FDM projects, or speed and ease of use for all-around performance.

Choosing the Right Anycubic Printer for You

For Precision and Detail: The Anycubic Photon Ultra emerges as the unparalleled choice for users whose projects demand the utmost in detail and precision. Ideal for jewelers, dentists, and hobbyists focused on miniatures, the Photon Ultra offers unmatched clarity and quality in resin printing.

For Speed and User-Friendliness: The Anycubic Kobra Max stands out for users prioritizing speed without sacrificing quality. Its auto-leveling feature, silent operation, and intuitive interface make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced users looking for efficient and hassle-free printing.

For Volume and Versatility: The Anycubic Kobra Plus is the workhorse of the lineup, perfect for users who need a reliable printer capable of handling large prints or high volumes. Its balance of quality, speed, and build volume makes it a versatile option for educators, small businesses, and serious hobbyists.

Overall Value and Support

Across the board, Anycubic impresses with its commitment to supporting users through responsive customer service, extensive educational resources, and a vibrant community. The availability of replacement parts and warranty coverage further underscores Anycubic’s dedication to user satisfaction and product longevity.

Anycubic: A Brand of Choice

Anycubic continues to solidify its reputation as a leader in the 3D printing industry. Whether your priority is print quality, volume, speed, or user support, Anycubic offers a range of printers that don’t just meet but exceed expectations. The brand’s commitment to innovation, quality, and the user community makes any of its models a wise investment for those looking to explore the possibilities of 3D printing or elevate their printing capabilities.

As the 3D printing landscape evolves, Anycubic’s dedication to refining and expanding its product lineup ensures that users can look forward to future models that continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible. For anyone venturing into the world of 3D printing or seeking to upgrade their current setup, Anycubic presents a compelling blend of performance, value, and support, making it a brand worth considering.


As we conclude our exploration of the best Anycubic 3D printers of the year, it’s evident that Anycubic’s range of printers caters to a diverse array of needs, making it a standout brand in the 3D printing community. Through detailed examinations of the Photon Ultra, Anycubic Kobra Plus, and Anycubic Kobra Max, we’ve seen how Anycubic combines innovation, quality, and user-centric design to create printers that are not only reliable but also capable of pushing the boundaries of 3D printing technology.

Reflecting on Your Needs

Choosing the right 3D printer is a personal journey that depends on your specific goals, whether they involve intricate resin models, large-scale functional prints, or rapid prototyping with an emphasis on speed and ease of use. Anycubic offers solutions across the spectrum, ensuring that whether you’re a novice looking to dive into the world of 3D printing or a seasoned professional seeking to expand your capabilities, there’s an Anycubic printer that can meet your needs.

The Value of Community and Support

Beyond the technical specifications and performance metrics, Anycubic’s commitment to creating a supportive ecosystem for its users is a significant part of its appeal. The brand’s dedication to customer service, coupled with an active community of enthusiasts and professionals, ensures that Anycubic printer owners have access to a wealth of knowledge, resources, and support. This community aspect not only enriches the user experience but also fosters a sense of belonging among 3D printing enthusiasts.

Looking Ahead

The world of 3D printing is constantly evolving, with new advancements and applications emerging all the time. Anycubic’s proven track record of innovation and its forward-looking approach suggest that the brand will continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of 3D printing. For those who choose Anycubic, this means being part of a journey that is as exciting as it is rewarding, with ample opportunities for growth, learning, and creativity.

Final Thoughts

In choosing an Anycubic 3D printer, you’re not just selecting a piece of technology; you’re investing in a tool that will unlock new possibilities for creativity and innovation. Whether your interest lies in creating stunning art, functional prototypes, or anything in between, Anycubic provides the quality, reliability, and support to bring your visions to life. With a keen eye on the future and a strong foundation in user satisfaction, Anycubic is poised to remain a leading name in the 3D printing world for years to come.


  1. What makes Anycubic printers stand out from the competition?
    Anycubic printers distinguish themselves through a combination of innovative technology, exceptional print quality, user-friendly designs, and competitive pricing. With a focus on continuous improvement, Anycubic offers printers that cater to a wide range of needs, from detailed resin models with the Photon Ultra to large-scale FDM printing with the Anycubic Kobra Plus, and fast, accessible printing with the Anycubic Kobra Max. Additionally, Anycubic’s active user community and responsive customer support enhance the overall user experience, making these printers a preferred choice for both beginners and seasoned professionals.
  2. How do I choose the best Anycubic model for my needs?
    Choosing the best Anycubic model depends on your specific printing goals, such as the type of projects you plan to undertake, the materials you wish to use, and the features you value most. For intricate detail and precision in smaller models, consider the Photon Ultra. If your projects require large build volumes and versatility in materials, the Anycubic Kobra Plus might be your best bet. For those prioritizing speed and ease of use, the Anycubic Kobra Max offers an excellent balance. Assessing your priorities in these areas will guide you to the Anycubic printer that best fits your needs.
  3. Can I use third-party materials with Anycubic printers?
    Yes, Anycubic printers are compatible with third-party materials, providing users with the flexibility to explore a wide range of filaments and resins to find the perfect match for their projects. This compatibility is part of Anycubic’s commitment to accommodating diverse printing needs and preferences, although it’s always recommended to check the specific printer model’s guidelines for material use to ensure optimal results.
  4. What kind of support can I expect from Anycubic?
    Anycubic provides comprehensive support through multiple channels, including email, live chat, and social media, ensuring that users can access help when they need it. The brand also offers a wealth of online resources, such as guides, tutorials, and webinars, to assist with setup, troubleshooting, and project ideas. Moreover, Anycubic’s vibrant user community is a great source of peer-to-peer advice and inspiration, complementing the official support options.
  5. Where can I find user reviews and ratings for Anycubic printers?
    User reviews and ratings for Anycubic printers can be found on a variety of platforms, including Anycubic’s official website, online retail stores, and 3D printing forums and communities. These reviews offer insights into users’ experiences with different models, covering aspects like print quality, ease of use, reliability, and customer support. Additionally, many 3D printing enthusiasts and experts share their opinions and experiences through blogs, YouTube channels, and social media, providing a wealth of information to help inform your purchase decision.
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Lisa Grove

Lisa Grove, the head editor of 3D Print Trend, is a visionary hobbyist who seamlessly blends her love for technology with a passion for 3D printing. She leads a dynamic team, sharing insights and expertise with an ever-growing community. Lisa's dedication to staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field inspires countless individuals to embrace their creativity and bring ideas to life, one layer at a time.

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